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Welcome to the Website of the
International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission
which has been conceived to provide information for the general public but also for journalists and students who want to know more about the fascinating life of the Baltic marine species and the way to manage them.

The International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission was established pursuant to Article V of the Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources in the Baltic Sea andthe Belts (the Gdansk Convention) which was signed on the 13th September 1973.

On signing this Convention, the Contracting Parties undertook to "co-operate closely with a view to preserving and increasing the living resources of the Baltic Sea and the Belts and obtaining the optimum yield, and, in particular to expanding and co-ordinating studies towards these ends,..." This website has six fields to explain you how this task is achieved.

When you click on "About", you will learn more about the structure and operation of IBSFC and the type of regulatory measures it recommends. "Participants" informs you about all those involved in the discussions and the decision making process. "Fish stocks" is a very interesting chapter with a wealth of information on the marine environment and the state of the main exploited fish species. Under "Documentation" you will mainly find reference texts and factual information. Chapter "Baltic 21" finally informs you about the involvement of IBSFC in the process to achieve a "sustainable" Baltic environment by the year 2030. Under "What�s New" you will find the latest decisions adopted during the 30th Session, 6 September - 10 September 2004

The 31st Session of the Commission will take place from 5-9 September 2005, in Sweden.

We sincerely hope you will enjoy our company,

Victor M.Osadtchy
IBSFC Chairman