International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission  
top images IBSFC
20, Hozastr. 00-528
Phone: (48-22) 628.86.47.
Fax: (48-22) 625.33.72.
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Contracting Parties and Observers

(when clicking on the name of the Party or Observer, you will be connected to its Website, if available)


Contracting Parties


Ministry of Environment

Marja Str. 4 D - EE-10617 TALLINN, ESTONIA

Phone : (372-2)656 67 20

Fax : (372)656 75 99

E-mail : [email protected]


European Community

European Commission

Directorate General Fisheries

Rue de la Loi 200, 1049 Brussels, Belgium

Phone : (32.2)295.22.09

Fax : (32.2)299.48.02

The Danish Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries,

Holbergsgade 2, DK-1057 Copenhagen, Denmark

Phone : (45 33)92 35 63

Fax : (45 33)11 82 71

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland

P.O.Box 232, Fin-00171, Helsinki, Finland

Phone : (358 9)160 21 96

Fax : (358 9)160 42 85

Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry,

Rochusstrasse. 1, D 53123 Bonn

Federal Republic of Germany

Phone : (49 228)529 36 58

Fax : (49 228)529 42 62

Swedish Ministry of Agriculture,
Vasagatan 8-10

S-103 33 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone : (46 8)405 10 00

Fax : (46 8)20 64 96

National Board of Fisheries, P.O. Box 423

S-401 26 Göteborg, Sweden

Phone : (46 31)743 03 00

Fax : (46 31)15 65 77



Ministry of Agriculture

National Board of Fisheries

2 Republikas laukums, LV-1010 Riga, Latvia

Phone : (371) 732 38 77

Fax : (371) 733 48 92



Ministry of Environment

Fish Resources Department

A.Juozapaviciaus 9, 2600 Vilnius,

Republic of Lithuania

Phone : (370-2)728 543

Fax : (370-2) 723 273



Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Department of Fisheries

Wspólna 30, 00-930 Warsaw, Poland

Phone : (48 22) 628 85 12, 623 14 71

Fax : (48 22)623 22 04


Russian Federation

Fisheries Committee of the Russian Federation

Rozhdestvensky blvd.12

103031 Moscow, Russian Federation

Phone : (7 095)928 12 96/928 28 73

Fax : (7 095)921 34 63


Observers (Intergovernmental Organizations)


Food and Agriculture Organization

of the United Nations

Fisheries Department

Via delle Terme di Caracalla,

00100 Rome, Italy

Phone : (39 6) 52251



International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Palaegade 2-4

DK-1261 Copenhagen, Denmark

Phone : (45 33)15 42 25

Fax : (45 33)93 42 15

E-mail : [email protected]



Helsinki Commission

Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission

Katajanokanlaituri 6B

FIN-00160 Helsinki, Finland

Phone : (358 9)6220 220

Fax : (358 9)6220 2239

E-mail : [email protected]



North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission

427, Nobel House

17 Smith Square


Phone : (44 171)238 5919/5914

Fax : (44 171) 238 5721

E-mail : [email protected]



North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization

11 Rutland Square

Edinburgh EH1 2AS Scotland UK

Phone : (44-131) 228 2551

Fax : (44 131) 228 4384

E-mail : [email protected]




103 33 Stockholm

Phone: (46 8) 405 24 19

Fax: (46 8) 411 72 84