IBSFC Homepage

IBSFC Publications on Activities and places where they can be consulted

The main publications of the International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission are the "Proceedings" of the annual Sessions and "Reports from Working Groups".
In the "Proceedings", full report is given of the discussions that took place during the Session, including all documents relevant for these discussions: scientific reports, proposals for amendment made by a Contracting Party, final deliberations in the form of recommendations or resolutions and the press release. The "Proceedings" contain a wealth of information for the professional desiring to investigate the fishery management in the Convention area. Because of their technical nature, these publications are not destined for a wide audience and therefore only printed in a limited number of copies.
Proceedings have been published since the "First Session" in Warsaw, October 28-31,1974. As there is one Annual Session every year, the Proceedings of the Twenty Fourth Session will be published soon after the meeting in Warsaw, September 7-11, 1998. In recent years, it proved to be necessary to hold and "Extra-ordinary Session" early in the year: one was devoted to the "Salmon Action Plan" in 1997 and another dealt with "Baltic 21" in early 1998. Proceedings of these inter-session meetings have also been published.
Full report is also made of "Working Groups", organized to prepare the field for discussions during the Session on complicated issues. A large amount of working groups were organized in the early days of IBSFC, basically to create the regulatory framework. In recent years again, the need arose to set up more working groups to discuss new management systems consistent with the "precautionary principle".
The following Reports of Working Groups are available for consultation:

�        Ad Hoc Working Group on Regulatory Measures, January 1976

�        Working Group on reviewing the Gdansk Convention, December 1977

�        Working Group on Unification of Log-books, on Harmonization of certain Fishing Regulations and on Improvement of the Enforcement Scheme, March 1980

�        Ad Hoc Working Group on Headquarters Agreement between the Government of the Polish People's Republic and the IBSFC, April 1986

�        Ad Hoc Working Group On Salmon, February 1987

�        Ad Hoc Working Group on Cod, April 1987

�        Ad Hoc Working Group on Equitable Criteria for the Allocation of Salmon between Contracting Parties, March 1993

�        Ad Hoc Working Group on Delayed release of Salmon, February 1994

�        Ad Hoc Working Group on Fishery Rules of the IBSFC, June 1994

�        Ad Hoc Working Group on Salmon Strategies for the Baltic, 28/30 June 1995

�        Ad Hoc Working Group on Fishing Effort in the Cod Fishery in the Baltic Sea, 23/25 January 1996 and 3/5 June 1996

�        Ad Hoc Working Group on Gear Selectivity Studies in Cod Trawl operating in the Baltic Sea, 8/9 February 1996

�        Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on the Standardization of the Fishing Effort in Cod Fishery in the Baltic Sea, 8/9 February 1996

�        Ad Hoc Working Group on "Fishery Statistics of the Baltic Sea Coastal States", 28/29 March 1996

�        Salmon Action Plan Surveillance Group (Preparatory Meeting), 12-14 November 1996

�        IBSFC Salmon Action Plan Surveillance Group, 20-21 February 1997 (First Meeting)

�        IBSFC Salmon Action Plan Surveillance Group, 6-7 May 1998 (Second Meeting)

�        Working Group on Control and Enforcement, 20-21 January 1999

�        Working Group on Long Term Management Objectives and Strategies for Cod, Herring and Sprat, 27-29 April 1999.

�        IBSFC Salmon Action Plan Surveillance Group, 1-2 June 1999 (Third Meeting

�        Working Group on Control and Enforcement, 11-13 April 2000 (Second Meeting)

�        IBSFC Salmon Action Plan Surveillance Group, 14-15 June 2000 (Fourth Meeting)

�        Working Group on Long Term Management Objectives and Strategies for Herring and Sprat, 22-24 May 2000

�        Working Group on Fishery Rules, 24 May 2000

�        Extraordinary Session BACOMA, Brussels, 13-14 March 2001

�        Working Group on Control and Enforcement, Gdynia, Poland, 15-16 May 2001

�        Working Group Meetings on Long Term Management Strategies for Cod, Herring and Sprat - Fishery Rules, Warsaw, Poland, 19-20 June 2001

�        Fifth Meeting of the Salmon Action Plan Surveillance Group, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 13-14 June 2001

�        Working Group on Control and Enforcement, Warsaw, Poland, 5 February 2002

�        Sixth Meeting of the Salmon Action Plan Surveillance Group, Vaasa, Finland, 12-14 June 2002

�        Working Group Meetings on Long Term Management Objectives and Strategies for Baltic Cod, Herring and Sprat - Fishery Rules, Cracow, Poland, 26-28 June 2002

�        Working Group on Control and Enforcement, G�teborg, Sweden, 4-5 February 2003

�        Extraordinary Session and Working Group on Long Term Management Objectives and Strategies , Cracow, Poland, 25-27 June 2003

�        Seventh Meeting of the Salmon Action Plan Surveillance Group, Cracow, Poland, 26 June 2003

The IBSFC also co-sponsored a number of meetings. Reports are available with organizers, mentioned below:

�        "How to use the Sea: management interactions, with Special Reference to the Baltic and its Fisheries", 8th ICES Dialogue Meeting, September 1991

�        "Atlantic Salmon, a Dialogue", 9th ICES Dialogue Meeting, June 1993

�        "Interactions between Salmon Culture and Wild Stocks of Atlantic Salmon: The Scientific and Management Issues" : NASCO - ICES international symposiums, Bath April 1997

�        Joint Meeting on Causes of Marine Mortality of Salmon in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans and in the Baltic Sea (IBSFC, NASCO, NPAFC, PICES)

�        Baltic 21 - Five years of regional co-operation for sustainable development, Seminar (side-event) at the World Summit for Sustainable Development, Johannesburg , South Africa, 2 September 2002

The above mentioned publications are not on sale but can be consulted and copied in the following places.

European Commission
Directorate General, Fisheries
Rue de la Loi 200, 1049 Brussels, Belgium
Phone : (32.2)295.22.09
Fax : (32.2)299.48.02


The Danish Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries,
Holbergsgade 2 , DK-1057 Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone : (45 33)92 35 63
Fax : (45 33)11 82 71

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Palaegade 2-4
DK-1261 Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone : (45 33)15 42 25
Fax : (45 33)93 42 15
E-mail : [email protected]

Danish Institute for
Fisheries Research
Charlottenlund Slot
DK-2920 Charlottenlund


Ministry of Environment
Fishery Resources Department

R�vala 8

10 143 Tallinn, Estonia

Phone: (372) 6604543

Fax: (372) 6604599

E-mail: [email protected]




Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland
P.O.Box 232, Fin-00171, Helsinki, Finland
Phone : (358 9)160 21 96
Fax : (358 9)160 42 85
Helsinki Commission
Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission Katajanokanlaituri 6B
FIN-00160 Helsinki, Finland
Phone : (358 9)6220 220
Fax : (358 9)6220 2239
E-mail : [email protected]


Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry,
Rochusstrasse. 1, D 53123 Bonn
Federal Republic of Germany
Phone : (49 228)529 36 58
Fax : (49 228)529 42 62
f�r Fischerei
Institut f�r Ostseefischerei
An der J�gerb�k 2
D-18069 Rostock
Federal Republic of Germany


Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations
Fisheries Department
Via delle Terme di Caracalla,
00100 Rome, Italy
Phone : (39 6) 52251


Ministry of Agriculture
National Board of Fisheries
2 Republikas laukums, LV-1010 Riga, Latvia
Phone : (371)732 38 77
Fax : (371) 733 48 92


Ministry of Agriculture

Fisheries Department
Gedimino 19
LT 2025 Vilnius, Lithuania
Phone : (370-2)39 11 75
Fax : (370-2) 39 11 76

E-mail: [email protected]


International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission
Hoza 20,
00-528 Warsaw,
Phone : (48 22) 628 86 47
Fax : (48 22) 625 33 72
E-mail : [email protected]
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
 Department of Fisheries
Wsp�lna 30,  00-930 Warsaw, Poland
Phone : (48 22) 628 8512, 623 14 71
Fax : (48 22)623 22 04

Russian Federation

State Committee for Fisheries of Russian Federation

Rozhdestvensky blvd.12
107996 Moscow, Russian Federation
Phone : (7 095)928 23 20

Fax : (7 095)921 69 65, 928 19 04 
Dimitrija Donskogo 5
Kaliningrad, Russian


Swedish Ministry of Agriculture,
Vasagatan 8-10
S-103 33 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone : (46 8)405 10 00
Fax : (46 8)20 64 96

National Board of Fisheries, P.O. Box 423
S-401 26 G�teborg, Sweden
Phone : (46 31)743 03 00
Fax : (46 31)15 65 77

United Kingdom

North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission
22, Berners Street

Phone : (44 ) 20 7631 0016
Fax : (44) 20 7636 9225
E-mail : [email protected]

North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization
11 Rutland Square
Edinburgh EH1 2AS Scotland UK
Phone : (44-131) 228 2551
Fax : (44 131) 228 4384
E-mail : [email protected]